I often get good ideas in my sleep. Often, but not always. What follows is something I’m going to call:
The blog post nightmare…
I was thinking outside the box the other day and really giving it 110%, aiming at low-hanging fruit so I could help a client bust his paradigm even as he pushed the envelope.
My value-added proposition was to create synergy, while maximizing customer satisfaction. Clearly a win-win situation, don’t you think?
Well, I dropped the ball and decided to take it off-line. Since I couldn’t hit the ground running, I attempted to touch base with a colleague, who, at the end of the day, has really taken the bottom line to the next level.
As a change agent, he brings a lot of value to the table. He must work 24/7 to bring his “A” game. He suggested that what I needed to do was to drink the Kool-Aid, because it is what it is.
I thought about what he said – clearly he was referring to the 800 pound gorilla. I don’t really have the bandwidth to describe the scalabilty of his insight. Let’s just say that I decided to put a stake into the ground and multi-task while raising the bar.
I think my integrated approach, once I run it up the flagpole and see who salutes, will be a net-net and become an industry standard. I’m up against the perfect storm trying to move up the value chain, and I want to be a team player.
I hope I’m not polishing a turd nor throwing the baby out with the bathwater. It’s an issue of work/life balance for me, and I’m not going to throw anyone under the bus. The proof is in the pudding if you can take a world class loss leader and, through viral marketing, blue sky thinking, and sufficient headcount, create a transformation with a come to Jesus meeting.
Quite frankly, I think I have a game changer on my hands. It’s data driven, it’s all good, and I’m ready to ramp up. Remember, the scenery only changes for the lead dog. I’m going to cast a wider net once I revisit this on a level playing field. Because that’s where the rubber meets the road.
As we all know, if you can’t measure it, you can’t control it, and you have to spend money to make money. I think my work-around will help monetize my idea, but once the genie’s out of the bottle, firing on all cylinders, it will be time to develop some strategic initiatives and plot the next steps.
I’m all for functionality, but with my burn rate getting some traction, I will probably move into stealth mode or take a 30,000 foot view before I can get on your radar.
If you’re ready to do whatever it takes, tear down some silos, and jump in the trenches with me, leave a comment.
After all, people are our most important resource.