Gary Winters

Coach  Workshop Facilitator Author

I is for Imagine

imagineTake a moment, if you will. Breathe deeply and hold your breath for a few moments, and then slowly release it. Repeat twice more, so that you are completely relaxed.

Now, imagine a day at work, visualizing you and your team. Now take it up a notch – imagine a perfect day at work. A day where everything goes right and nothing goes wrong.

Imagine how it begins, with people arriving, greeting one another, heading to their desks. Hear their greetings. What do you notice about them?

Imagine everything gathering for a quick meeting. See them come together and take their seats. Imagine you welcoming them to the meeting. Notice their reactions and expressions. Remember, this is a day when everything goes right and nothing goes wrong.

Imagine you leading the meeting. Imagine people becoming engaged in the dialogue. Imagine ideas being put forth, and people reacting to those ideas with enthusiasm. Imagine the group tackling a particularly thorny problem that’s been on everyone’s mind for some time now.

Imagine a creative solution being proposed, and imagine it is offered by the person you would have thought the least likely source for that idea. Imagine the group embracing the idea and realizing it is the ideal solution for the problem.

Imagine that!

A meeting where everything goes right, and nothing goes wrong.

Imagine people leaving the meeting and returning to their individual stations. Imagine you going through your email and inbox and organizing the rest of your day. Everything goes right, and nothing goes wrong.

Imagine working throughout the morning on important tasks. Imagine making enormous progress on the most critical. Imagine calling people and having fruitful, engaging conversations. Imagine being interrupted, from time to time, and seeing those interruptions as a normal, expected part of your flow.

Imagine having lunch with a close colleague, and coming back feeling refreshed, relaxed and ready to take on the afternoon.

Imagine having several brief meetings with members of your staff, catching up on their progress on their progress. Imagine yourself offering useful suggestions and taking a moment to recognize their accomplishments with them. Imagine them leaving your office filled with satisfaction for having stopped by.

Imagine your boss calling you with major concerns about a looming deadline. Imagine letting the boss know that everything’s coming together beautifully, and there is no reason for worry. Imagine your boss accepting your input gratefully.

Imagine realizing the end of the work day is approaching, and everything you had hoped to accomplish today is just about finished. Imagine taking out a pen and jotting a few things down on your To Do List for tomorrow.

Imagine gathering your things and striding for the exit, greeting those employees who are still there, each finishing up something before heading home.

Imagine a day where everything goes right, and nothing goes wrong.

Tomorrow, do it again, and the next day, again. Learn to imagine a day where everything goes right, and nothing goes wrong in sixty seconds.

Practice imagining that day without a little voice in the back of your head that says, “Yeah, but…”

Imagine a day where everything goes right, and nothing goes wrong for the next thirty days, just as an experiment.

Imagine what might happen.


This article is part of a series of 26 posts for the month of April called “Blogging from A to Z,” an idea first suggested by Arlee Bird of Tossing It Out.

“What ELSE Your Boss Never Told You” is the sequel to the very popular “What Your Boss Never Told You.” Packed inside are more tips, techniques, and insights about the challenging, but rewarding leadership position.

“What ELSE Your Boss Never Told You” is written in a conversational tone, as though you and the author were enjoying a cup of coffee and talking about the issues that emerge for new leaders. It stands alone, and/or could be read before or after the first volume, “What Your Boss Never Told You.” You can start with any chapter and read in any order you like.

if you search for a book on management, you’ll find a staggering 600,000+ books currently available. How can you narrow that down? “What Your Boss Never Told You” is the best place to start.

No textbook here – this book is short and sweet. It’s designed to help you “unpack” your new job and be effective from the first day with your new team. It contains twenty-one chapters filled with the wisdom Winters has gathered from real managers – effective, successful leaders in organizations much like yours.

Leaders make decisions every day – big and small. Most know that if they include others in the decision-making process, the quality of those decisions – and the commitment to them – will likely improve. That said, they also know it’s impractical, if not impossible, to include others in every decision they confront.

“To Do or Not To Do” tackles the question of when to make decisions on your own, and when to involve your team. It gives you a deceptively simple but proven method to determine, when you are facing a difficult decision, how to decide how to decide.

Far too many meetings are dreadful, mind-numbing, energy-draining, productivity-sapping, colossal wastes of time. As someone once said, “To kill time, a meeting is the perfect weapon.”

Here’s the deal: if you’re willing to learn and apply the techniques in “So, How Was Your Meeting?”, you’ll call fewer meetings, while vastly improving the ones you do lead. They’ll take less time, have more balanced participation, produce better decisions, and result in concrete action items for follow-up afterwards.

While there are thousands of books written for people about to retire, this may be the only book for people who manage soon-to-retire employees. Written in a casual, conversational style, “Managing the Soon To Retire Employee” will give you everything you need to know to move forward with confidence and grace.

You can be successful with Sooners. It won’t happen by chance, and it’s not a matter of pulling some management “trick” out of your hat. But you can learn how to do it, and you can apply what you’ve learned right away.

Managing friends or former peers can be awkward. When you become the boss, everything about these relationships can suddenly be uncomfortable. There’s a new set of ground rules to establish – as manager, you are going be accountable for the work performance of friends or former co-workers on the team, and they are going to have to adjust to the fact that they now report to you. Everyone involved can feel awkward and hesitant about the future. 

Have you been approached by management with an offer to promote you to supervision? Or, are you mulling over the possibility for the future? Find yourself not sure whether to accept the promotion?

If so, you’ve come to the right place. Help! They Want to Make ME a Supervisor will help you sort out a very big question: Should you accept the offer to become a supervisor? Once you’ve read this book, you’ll be confident that you’ve made the best decision for you and for your organization.